Say no to your Saboteurs! Say yes to your Highest Self! Fulfill your life’s purpose with confidence! Join Jean Mazzei and Brenna Geehan as you deepen your understanding behind the science of yoga and learn how to be an effective conduit for joy (Jyoti) and resplendence (Sri).
Increase your sensitivity and learn how to access your “inner voice of truth.” This deep listening (Nada) brings an increased level of self-healing and clarity, as you learn how to transmit the teachings of yoga, both on and off the mat.
- Integrate your highest Self more fully into every aspect of your life
- Access your “Dhi” - aka, your inner voice of Truth
- Use Vichara (self-inquiry) to unearth root beliefs and perceptions that sabotage your ability to thrive
- Alchemical integration with Yoga Nidra
- Develop proficiency in Adhikara and Vinyasa Krama (intelligent and progressive sequencing)
- Practical application of yoga scriptural texts, i.e. Yoga Sutras, Shiva Sutras, Upanishads, Baghavad Gita
- Experience the effects of advanced pranayama, meditation, and healing techniques
Required Texts:
Yoga Sutras - your choice of translation
The Upanishads - Eknath Easwaran
Tantra Unveiled - Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Yoga Nidra - Swami Satyananda Saraswati
This course provides 45 Elective Contact Hours for YGSF 300 and/or 45 Yoga Alliance® CEUs
Tuition is $880, or $790 when you register with your $250 deposit on or before September 1.