Patanjali talks about sukha, “good space” and dukha, “bad space” inside our body/mind. Deepen your understanding behind the science of asana and learn how to clear your space in order to be a more effective conduit for joy (jyoti) and resplendence (sri). Increase your sensitivity and begin to more easily access your “inner voice of truth.” This deep listening brings an increased level of clarity, as you learn how to transmit the teachings, both on and off the mat. Integrate your highest Self more fully into every aspect of your life and fulfill your life’s purpose with confidence. More advanced pranayama, meditation, and healing techniques will be introduced, with an emphasis on the experiential aspects of practice.
Topics Include:
Systems anatomy - Discover the "mind" of each system including your muscles, bones, organs, etc.
Yoga teacher as healer: Refine your touch in hands on adjustments to reach different systems of the body.
Explore and experience of concepts of Prana, Space, and Life Force
Yoga Nidra for contacting and clearing the space
Required Texts (Support Us by Purchasing Through Our Links):
Yoga Sutras - your choice of translation
The Upanishads - Eknath Easwaran
Tantra Unveiled - Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Yoga Nidra - Swami Satyananda Saraswati
This course provides 45 Yoga Alliance® CEUs. To learn more about the Sri Yoga 500-Hr program, click here.