Alchemize Your Asana:
Harness Your Power to Heal
this course is now available to rent on Momence. If you are seeking certification, see below.

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 The foundation of an alchemical yoga practice is skillful use of Prana.  In this immersion, we will take our sadhana to a whole new level where Yoga is management of the energetic body (Pranamaya Kosha).  Sequencing (Vinyasa Krama) through the lens of prana has the power to clear and heal every layer of your being - physically, mentally, and vibrationally.  This increased level of clarity will allow you to bring your highest Self more fully into every aspect of your life, both on and off the mat.  More advanced pranayama, meditation, yoga nidra and healing techniques will be introduced, with an emphasis on the experiential aspects.

Bonus! Classes are recorded and available for review for the duration of the training.

Topics Include:

  • Exploration of the concept of the Prana, Space, and Life Force

  • Managing Your Prana in a Pandemic

  • Bhavana - the magic ingredient and why it’s so powerful

  • Application of the Yoga Scriptural Texts, i.e. Yoga Sutras, Shiva Sutras, Upanishads, and Bhaghavad Gita

  • Tantra as alchemy: Understanding and application of Tantric teachings and techniques in asana, pranayama, and meditation

  • Sri Sukta as a supportive practice for these tumultuous times

  • Application of the Subtle Essences as an alchemical element

  • The power of the pranamaya Kosha

  • Understanding and applying the bio-energetics of asana and pranayama

  • Adhikara, sequencing, vinyasa krama, prana vayus, and use of themes and bhavana for clearer transmission

  • Is the thrill is gone? How to breathe life into your personal practice and keep your classes alive and thriving

  • The importance of Yoga Nidra in our current times

  • Transmission of the teachings - virtually or in person

  • The changing climate of yoga. Right here Right now considerations and paradigm pivots

Required Reading:
The Upanishads(Prashna Upanishad) - Eknath Easwaran
Sri Sukta: Tantra of Inner Prosperity - Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Yoga and Ayurveda - Dr. David Frawley

Suggested Reading:
Tantra Unveiled - Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Practice of Yoga Sutra - Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Tools for Tantra - Harish Johari
Yoga Nidra - Swami Satyananda Saraswati


*If you are seeking Yoga Alliance Certification for your 300 hr Advanced Teacher Training certificate

1) View the material for the first “day”
2) Book your 1 hour private with Jean. This is to to make sure the material was viewed, practiced and understood. Sessions are at the Teacher Training rate of $210/hour. If you cannot find a time on Calendly, reach out to Jean via email directly for scheduling.
3) Each module will require approximately 4-6 depending on student understanding and preparation

To make your private with Jean as concise as possible, we suggest that you prepare in advance with these steps:
1) review the recordings
2) prepare a written summary of the lectures including your questions and commentary
3) doing before and afters for the practices and questions or comments as to how you thought the practice related/didn’t relate to the corresponding theme
4) then book your 1 hour private with Jean to go over your questions and review the material.

Rent this course NOW on Momence!