500-Hour Sri Yoga Teacher Training
Requirements for Certification
and Required Book List
Requirements for Certification Include:
- Certification at the 200-hour level
- Reading all assigned texts
- Completion of all class assignments
- Self Practice: Trainees are expected to have a dedicated and consistent yoga practice at least 3 days per week.
- Participants must be disciplined, focused and eager to learn, have the capacity to open the heart and evolve the mind, embrace excellence in their personal practice, teaching, and life.
Required Book List - Find Your Module:
The Art of Transformation
Required Book List
Book list is subject to change due to life’s developments and discoveries. If this concerns you, please contact your instructor before making your purchase. If you plan to purchase through Amazon, help support Sri Yoga by making your purchases using the "buy" buttons, below.
- Tantra Unveiled – Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
- Path of Fire and Light Volume 1 -- Swami Rama
- Aghora II: Kundalini - Robert Svoboda
- Yoga Nidra - Swami Satyananda Saraswati
- The Upanishads - Eknath Easwaran
Suggested Additional Texts:
- Hatha Yoga Pradipika
- Yoga for Transformation -- Gary Kraftsow
- Yoga and Ayurveda - David Frawley
- Radical Healing - Rudolph Ballentine
- Bhagavad Gita
The Art of Transmission
Required Book List
Book list is subject to change due to life’s developments and discoveries. If this concerns you, please contact your instructor before making your purchase. If you plan to purchase through Amazon, help support Sri Yoga by making your purchases using the "buy" buttons, below.
Required Book List
- Yoga Sutras - your choice of translation
- The Upanishads - Eknath Easwaran
- Tantra Unveiled – Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
- Yoga Nidra - Swami Satyananda Saraswati
- Yoga Anatomy -- Leslie Kaminoff, Amy Mathews
Suggested Additional Texts
- Yoga and Ayurveda - David Frawley
- The Four Agreements - Don Miguel
- Hatha Yoga Pradipika -Swami Muktibhodhananda
- The Thinking Body - Mabel Ellsworth Todd (ultimate text for anatomy geeks!)
The Art of Transcendence
Required Book List
Book list is subject to change due to life’s developments and discoveries. If this concerns you, please contact your instructor before making your purchase. If you plan to purchase through Amazon, help support Sri Yoga by making your purchases using the "buy" buttons, below.
Required Book List
- The Four Desires - Rod Stryker
- Yoga Nidra - Swami Satyananda Saraswati
- Path of Fire and Light Volume 2 -- Swami Rama
- The Power of Mantra and the Mystery of Initiation - Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
- At the Eleventh Hour – Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
- The Bhagavad Gita - any translation
- The Upanishads - any translation
- Yoga Nidra – Richard Miller
Suggested Additional Texts
- Om The Eternal Witness - Swami Rama
- Radical Healing - Rudolph Ballentine
- Finding the Hidden Self - Roger Worthington, PhD
- The Four Desires supplemental CD - Rod Stryker
- The Silent Pulse - George Leonard